Literally 24 hours, door-to-door, travel! All in all, a pretty smooth flight. However, I have to admit - after reading an entire book, reviewing my research on human trafficking and writing first draft of a 10-page paper, along with watching four movies, I was disappointed to look down at my watch and see that I still had over eight hours left of the trip! More to follow on the discussion about the book, Nine. It highlights different religious, cultural, religious and geographic stories in India.

I checked into the Taj Palace Hotel (not a bad place to stay away from home). They have all the amenities including an ipod speaker system! The first thing I did was hook it up and press for my playlist. Instead of my selections popping up, or even the first song alphabetically, what are the odds that randomly it went to the "Jai Ho" song, simultaneously with the porter knocking at the door with my bag?! I had a good chuckle at my expense. Later, in the business center, I asked the young woman about the feeling towards the movie and she said it was favorable and an opportunity for the voice of the poor to be heard. I went back to my work on the computer, as did she, as we both listened to JB's "Baby" in the background (shout out to Zoe)! Music is its own universal language, isn't it.
The Taj Palace Hotel is no doubt high-end, a luxury that may just be necessary in a city such as New Delhi, although I have just arrived and not yet seen much. The hospitality here is reminiscent of days gone by with an undertone of British formality, much respect for the customer, and evidence of servant leadership. Everyone so far brings an air of quiet confidence to their job. At least in this structure, there is an air of peace and old-fashioned hospitality.
Wow, my jaw dropped when you completed so much on the plane and still had 8 more hours! Hopefully you got some much needed sleep! We miss you here!