There are windows of opportunity in life that pass us by unless we seize them. WomenThrive is working hard to push I-VAWA (International Violence Against Women Act) through Congress during this month's lame duck session. Now -this month of November- is that window and there is every reason in the world to support this, with no down-side. And it takes LESS THAN 5 minutes... http://www.passivawa.org/takeAction.html
Be sure to scroll down the page and click on "contact your representatives" to fill out the online form. Then pass along to friends and family!
Members of Congress have a unique opportunity to stop violence against women around the world. They can pass the International Violence Against Women Act before they adjourn for the year!
The I-VAWA, which was introduced in the House and Senate in the 111th Congress, presents a critical opportunity for the United States to protect, defend, and empower the world’s women. It is a comprehensive piece of legislation that will integrate violence prevention in US foreign policy and support innovative programs that have been shown to effectively reduce violence against women and girls.
For many of us, recent reports on international violence against women seem distant and incomprehensible. On any given day, horrifying stories about such violence appear in the news: the systematic rape of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo, increasing assaults on women and girls in Afghanistan, violence against women and girls in Haiti whose lives are already devastated by the earthquake. Sadly, this violence is not isolated to a few women in a few places. In fact, approximately one out of three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime with rates of domestic violence reaching 70 percent in some countries. No country is immune – the violence crosses all borders and affects women of all ages, social groups, religions and classes.
The United States Congress now has an opportunity to address these horrifying abuses. Senators Kerry (D-MA), Boxer (D-CA),Collins (R-ME) and Snowe (R-ME) and Congressman Delahunt (D-MA), Schakowsky (D-IL) and Congressman Poe (R-TX) introduced the International Violence Against Women Act, landmark legislation that can have a real impact for women all over the world, earlier this year.
Congress should move quickly to make the I-VAWA law and pass I-VAWA before they adjourn for the year.
In a world where tensions and violence within communities can jeopardize national and international security, it is critical that the United States take action to end atrocities committed against women and girls in their homes and in their communities, during times of peace and times of conflict.
Violence takes the lives of millions of women and girls, and denies countless others their dignity and the chance to live safe, productive lives. Constituents now have the opportunity to let lawmakers know they want more to be done to address violence against women globally they can take action to end the suffering by urging their Members of Congress to pass I-VAWA.
Click on the link, scroll down the page and click on the "contact your representatives" link for the online email to your Member of Congress, urging them to co-sponsor the I-VAWA and thanking those who have already co-sponsored! All you need to do is add your contact information and submit. Everything else is automatic.
It takes LESS THAN 5 MINUTES to support I-VAWA. Why wouldn't you?
Be sure to scroll down the page and click on "contact your representatives" to fill out the online form. Then pass along to friends and family!
Members of Congress have a unique opportunity to stop violence against women around the world. They can pass the International Violence Against Women Act before they adjourn for the year!
The I-VAWA, which was introduced in the House and Senate in the 111th Congress, presents a critical opportunity for the United States to protect, defend, and empower the world’s women. It is a comprehensive piece of legislation that will integrate violence prevention in US foreign policy and support innovative programs that have been shown to effectively reduce violence against women and girls.
For many of us, recent reports on international violence against women seem distant and incomprehensible. On any given day, horrifying stories about such violence appear in the news: the systematic rape of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo, increasing assaults on women and girls in Afghanistan, violence against women and girls in Haiti whose lives are already devastated by the earthquake. Sadly, this violence is not isolated to a few women in a few places. In fact, approximately one out of three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime with rates of domestic violence reaching 70 percent in some countries. No country is immune – the violence crosses all borders and affects women of all ages, social groups, religions and classes.
The United States Congress now has an opportunity to address these horrifying abuses. Senators Kerry (D-MA), Boxer (D-CA),Collins (R-ME) and Snowe (R-ME) and Congressman Delahunt (D-MA), Schakowsky (D-IL) and Congressman Poe (R-TX) introduced the International Violence Against Women Act, landmark legislation that can have a real impact for women all over the world, earlier this year.
Congress should move quickly to make the I-VAWA law and pass I-VAWA before they adjourn for the year.
In a world where tensions and violence within communities can jeopardize national and international security, it is critical that the United States take action to end atrocities committed against women and girls in their homes and in their communities, during times of peace and times of conflict.
Violence takes the lives of millions of women and girls, and denies countless others their dignity and the chance to live safe, productive lives. Constituents now have the opportunity to let lawmakers know they want more to be done to address violence against women globally they can take action to end the suffering by urging their Members of Congress to pass I-VAWA.
Click on the link, scroll down the page and click on the "contact your representatives" link for the online email to your Member of Congress, urging them to co-sponsor the I-VAWA and thanking those who have already co-sponsored! All you need to do is add your contact information and submit. Everything else is automatic.
It takes LESS THAN 5 MINUTES to support I-VAWA. Why wouldn't you?
Thank you for sharing about this very worthwhile project.
ReplyDeletePS..I just read all the previous blogs...I love your commentaries...thoughtful-witty-and on the mark!!-Hughie
great info on how to "do" something. I'm on it -what a worthy cause. thank you for sharing this is SO important and as women, we need to "Do" something to help each other esp. when we have the means and passion