A couple of friends and I attended Day of Transformation at Maria Shriver's Women's Conference. We heard "amazing" people speak to us about the power of harnessing the moment. Tony Robbins wrapped up the day and wow'd the audience, even the skeptics in the crowd. The message that resonated the most was his talk about training the mind like a muscle to get in the habit of celebrating and rising above people's interest in commiserating. He made a valuable point at how much "state of mind" makes a difference in how we make decisions. And, he has also observed that people tend to temper their enthusiasm and their excitement for life. For some reason, it is often easier to connect over misery! Train the mind away from negative thinking because "celebration creates sustainable energy". From good energy, great decisions are made.
Did everyone walk out of that conference day with a skip in their step and a natural high? You bet most of us did! I skipped, until I tripped on my platform shoes and nearly twisted my ankle - waaaa! Just kidding! Hey, I didn't break anything. Maybe I'll try a cartwheel tomorrow!
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